Reply To: Reflection #1

Theory of Writing Assignment Forums Discussions Reflection #1 Reply To: Reflection #1


What I know about writing is that it was used in ancient times to communicate between different type of things like trading with other nations or used between smaller tribes. It came from people first communicating by pictures and then it became cuneiform. After this, I believed it then spread into different countries and then they developed their own languages. Writing assignments that I have been given were persuasive essays and problem and solution type essays. What I did to answer this essay was quite simple. I read over the task that I needed to complete and the question I had to answer then I gathered the pieces of evidence that I needed to use in my writing and completed the pieces of writing with that. The way I asses my abilities as a writer, out of a 10, I would give myself a 5. Most of the times when I am writing about anything, I tend to go to sleep or daydream about something else that I wish I was doing instead of writing. Sometimes I put the most minimal amount of effort that I need to use in order to get the writing over with because it is something I dont quite enjoy doing. I have to start liking writing because its gonna be a major thing for me in college and I have to think of better words to use because even right now im putting minimal effort to complete this reflection and using words that I should not use in an essay. If texting is considered writing then that is something I do in my daily life. I believe texting is the only type of writing I do apart from searching things up and writing my name.