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I have never used TikTok before but I have watched TikTok videos on Facebook and Instagram. They are really funny and entertaining. The article describes TikTok really well, its growth, how its came to be, its struggle and future plans. To me the platform is more beneficial and harmful or problematic. Its has given people a platform to show their talent like acting, singing, or hand tricks. Some people used TikTok to motivate and inspire others, spread social awareness. I also heard that is has become an income source for some people like YouTube. Recently I watched a video that showcase TikTok influence in India, people are coming out of their comfort zone and their videos grave producers and director attention. People who turn down their dream of becoming an actor or singer because they did not have the opportunity or resources to fulfill their dream. They use TikTok to gain popularity and some of them have become famous. To me it seem TikTok is a useful tool for those who know how to use it. As the article mentions that social movement through TikTok because of its popularity. The article also mentions that the A.I used in TikTok can be manipulated and can be harmful to one’s privacy. But overall to me TikTok are same as other social media, some are known for news feed, communication, sharing, or making friends. TikTok brings new vibe in the social media platform for entertainment that made by average people.