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I thought this was a well-written and interesting article about social media. I am fairly new to this area, and do not post much, but going off of what I have observed from friends and family, social media is a useful, yet potentially detrimental vice that almost everyone in today’s society uses. My main beef with social media is that so many people, particularly kids, are so emotionally attached to their online status and popularity. the number of likes they get either sends them into depression or provides a false sense of vindication, or power. while this is ok in moderation, the younger generation now lives in a virtual world that is completely fake. no device will ever replace face to face communication, and I feel like a lot of people have forgotten how to have a conversation with someone they do not see every day. unfortunately, this has led to isolationism, and depression in many cases. I know that social media is here to stay, but I wish that people would rediscover the real world and real people.