Reply To: Amy Tan and James Baldwin

Theory of Writing Assignment Forums Discussions Amy Tan and James Baldwin Reply To: Amy Tan and James Baldwin

Nika Medilishi

Both of these articles talk about the importance of language. The language we use in everyday life differs on who we talk to. It can be used as a weapon to influence people and as Emy Tan claims “proper” language can help you in certain situations. I relate to Emy’s article because I too am an immigrant and so is my mother. I understand what she’s talking about and how she felt when her mother spoke “broken” English. I don’t think an accent should get in the way of the importance of what you have to say. Although, it is important to use the correct words because sometimes it’s more important how you say something than what you say. Baldwin’s article was similar and different at the same time. He talked about the dialects and accents of different languages, in particular; English and French. It is fascinating how English can be talked in so many different forms. Since the accents can be based on locations and places, different people do not understand each other even though it is they speak the same language.