A reflection on writing

Theory of Writing Assignment Forums Discussions A reflection on writing

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  • #267
    Wyatt Kuebler

    Wyatt Kuebler

    The time when writing was first “created” or “thought of” is often seen as the beginning of modern civilization and culture. This was due to its ability to allow history to be recorded and interpreted years later, giving us a clue as to how the world worked back when they were written. This makes writing an extremely powerful tool that literally works as a key to the past, unlocking secrets that were seemingly lost in the abyss of time. It works as a way to keep someone’s words present and meaningful in life even long after their passing. Writing can express emotions that we can connect to deeply and feel as though we were somehow part of the story, or writing could be a form of remembrance such as memorials for those we have lost in wars or acts of terrorism, allowing the memory of a person to live on and endure time. Writing as a form can be beautiful and influential, but it could also be a buzzfeed article.. and that’s just awful.

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