Reply To: Student Debt Pieces

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In the first piece, is it still possible to pay for college, it talks about many experiences that students such as myself attending college have experienced. It shows the sacrifices that many people have had to make such as getting two jobs or working overnight to bringing even their own child to college. There was even one example where the parents of a student lost their house because they wanted to support their child in their college. The parents were hoping that the child’s degree could help them financial in the future with giving them more than what they had lost. Unfortunately, there was still financial money to be paid afterwards. In the New Yorker  “Pay your student debt in three easy lifetimes”, it describes paying for college in a very funny way that is easy to understand. It is basically saying that you need more than one lifetime to pay your student debt. It makes it clear in a very clever way that we can all connect to and it gets to the point straight away.