Reply To: How TikTok Holds Our Attention

Theory of Writing Assignment Forums Discussions How TikTok Holds Our Attention Reply To: How TikTok Holds Our Attention

Edwin Moody

I have never used Tik Tok, and I am fairly distanced from this topic because I don’t use social media that much at all. That being said, this was a very informative and interesting article. After reading it, I think that Tik Tok probably causes more harm than good because it is, for the most part, a waste of time for users, and holds an addictive quality. I think that if a platform is fighting controversy about racism and porn, it is probably not worth investing time into. I think it is kind of frightening how a lot of my friends use such a large portion of their waking hours on social media. Although Tik Tok may be a place where people make money and help their careers, it is generally a waste of time.